Friday 4 October 2013

The long lost adventurer

I have been gone for a while now. Since June I have been doing lots of field work, until the start of September. Then it was straight back the office and my masters. So the last few weeks I have been very busy with my writing and keeping up with Mr. K, who has taken a short break from his role as the DM of our group. And such, we have not done any gaming since I was at field work.

It has been bothering me lately how little time I really spend on the blog, so I finished some of the many plans I have had and started planning my blogging a bit more. I have decided to have some weekly and monthly posts to share with you. The following are the ones I have planned, so cross you toes and hold your nose.

Tool Tip Tuesdays
Every Tuesday, barring disaster or illness, I will write about one of the many tools out there for players and Dungeon Masters like.
RPG Shop Spotlight
The first Friday of the month I will do a little piece on an online store that sell RPG gear and gadgets.
Rules and Regulation Fridays
Every Friday but the first of the month, I will write a post about a set of rules, how they work and how they can be implemented in the game (if they are not already).

So there you have it. I will do this Friday's shop spotlight tomorrow since it is getting quite late here and I spent all day doing sensible, boring stuff.

You will hear from me again in the near future.

Mrs. K

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